Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Descriptive [Monkey]

              Monkey is lively and clever animal. It has long tail, two legs, and two hands. Monkey has feather that very dense. It also has long arms for climbing. Because it is very easy to climb monkey.
              Monkey is climbing habit. Monkey can climb on a sinngle tree to another tree. In  addition to climbing, it also likes to scratchhis body. monkeys are known to learn and use tools to help in getting food.a favorite food monkey is banana. banana is the food of monkeys everyday. monkey very likes banana.
             Monkey habitat is the forest. but there are also monkeys that lived with human,the monkeys live and under goth dayli activitiies with human. uniquely thousands of monkeys live in harmony with human neigbors every day there is just a come and give food herd this monkey. out of habit, the monkeys here are very tame.

By : Diana Pratiwi, IX.2

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